Is this going to be an interesting training? I already have lots of background knowledge, having an agricultural university degree and working for 10 years in my field. But I knew one of the trainers and that gave me all the confidence needed to sign up. So I did. It's always inspiring and exiting to meet new people and go to a new place. Let's go!
During the week I did learn some new skills, but most things I already knew. It was just hidden somewhere far away in my brain! It was like completing a puzzle. Satisfied and happy I went home.
Home is when the real change happened. Where I started to realize the impact of good soil management. And how easy it is to make this change no matter who you are or what your situation is. When I go for a walk, I look at every piece of soil with interest and curiousity. I talk a lot about possibilities and show the short videos we shared during the training. My friends and family respond with the same enthusiasm as I do. The word is spreading. My old dad wants to do a permaculture design course now.
I made an action plan for my project and I can't wait to put it in action. I can't wait for Spring. I am daydreaming about the little things I could do with the limited resources I have, sharing knowledge with the people that will come to visit, working with my chickens on the soil... Living life knowing I'm doing something fulfilling for me and important to the world. I'm ready.
Let's go!

Jessica van der Hoeven, Soil4Life participant (The Netherlands)
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