The Soil in this community garden in a field in Sussex, UK, is full of life. We know that because it’s had 8 years of care and attention helping turn it from over grazed clay pasture into rich loamy soil. The succession has been from initial double-dig, to no -dig, plenty of bio-char added and now since becoming a full blown community-led project in the last year, bio-dynamic preparations and techniques are now being used also.
Meanwhile, in the surrounding 7 acres of land, those in the local community interested in animal husbandry have been able to initiate goat, sheep, pig and chicken co-ops as part of a broader regeneration land practices. This is all thanks to the land owner who recognized the growing need for deepening community bonds and producing healthier soils and thereby food, and offered the use of his land for a small membership fee.
The Crossing is an example where exchange with and honouring our soil, rather profiting from it is at the heart of this. This expression occurs a myriad of ways from the practical to the spiritual. It fosters participation, heartfelt communication, celebration and the care of the Land and its Beings.
For more information on the practices or set up of this project feel free to contact us via
By Lucy Martin, trainer Soil4Life Soil Conservation and Management training

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