August 22, 2020, corresponds to the approximate Earth Overshoot Day . Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. This is a real and scary fact that should have us jumping into action as a global community! For this reason, CCIVS calls IVS and other projects all over the world to do a practical action to reduce carbon emission and contribute to Climate Justice . An effective manner for the IVS movement to raise awareness about our work is to showcase our good practices! We believe that from our homes, our gardens, we also can defend the values of this campaign and, for this reason, we want to call on you to share your actions, staff members, board members, activists, volunteers, to post on your social media what have you done and what you are doing from home under the hashtag #LocalActionsGlobalChange CCIVS will be retweeting a...